
Arif Sarıçoban


I would like to welcome you all to the new issue of The Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies that celebrates its Year 8 Issue 1. Upon the publication of the inaugural issue in 2005, our prestigious journal is included in various indexes. Since then, studies on various topics on language and linguistic studies across the world have been published and I am proud to hear that most of the articles published in our journal are cited by many other researchers.

As the editor-in-chief, I once again would like to extend my personal gratitude to the members of both editorial and advisory boards without whose valuable help and support, it would become impossible to complete the issues so far.

In this new issue Fazeli aims to find out the relationship between the Agreeableness trait and use of the English Language Learning Strategies (ELLSs) for learners of English as a foreign language. Uysal tries to offer some suggestions about the journal selection process and to provide potential international journal options for especially newcomers to the field and the off-networked peripheral academics who may have limited access to journals. Jalal Abdolmanafi investigates the differential effects of the three types of treatment (i.e., Focus on Forms, Focus on Meaning, Focus on Form) on the learning of English relativization. Perales Escudero tries to provide a clearer picture of academic vocabulary use that can inform the design of academic vocabulary testing by enhancing construct validity and authenticity. Balçýkanlý aims at investigating EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners’ experiences in a Language Exchange Community, namely xLingo. Kocak provides a comparative analysis of the educational systems in Turkey and Germany so as to offer a refreshing approach to the problematic situation in Turkey. Kurtul indicates that there occurs L1 effect on both groups’ use of connectives in L2 regardless of their language backgrounds. Sarýgöz presents a lesson planning perspective for teacher trainees. Sarýçoban and Sarýçoban aim at discussing the foreign language policies followed in our country by referring to certain periods.

Finally, I am pleased to announce a 'call for papers' for Year 8 Issue 2 to be published in October 2012. Hope to hear from you.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif SARIÇOBAN


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Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
ISSN 1305-578X (Online)
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