Critical condition in Balinese lexicon extinction

I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri, Wayan Nurita


The impact of the lexicons that were often used in the past will be eroded due to the environmental conditions that surround them. This study has examined the critical condition in Balinese lexicon extinction. There are some Balinese language vocabularies that are almost extinct by the current generation due to cultural hegomonization. The occurrence of capitalist hegemony so it touches a substantial matter in the form of language. This research can inspire language observers and environmentalists as well as the authorities to revitalize the language that has become extinct. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptively by using questioner to collect the data. After analyzing this study, it can be found that some lexicon even extinct since environmental influences. It can erode the existence of the use of some lexicons in society. A new fact found in this study is that the development or change of the Balinese lexicon that occurs is comparative negative historical linguistics which is defined as a genetic change in language and loss of its function and meaning due to the extinction of the ecosystem and its relationship with the environment. The extinction of language due to the environment can be fixed with several efforts that can be made by the community. These efforts are language documenting reviving the oral tradition, stimulating the younger generation to be proud to use Balinese, Input the lexicons in the curriculum content, increase strong commitment from the community to continue using lexicons in their daily communication.


Critical Condition; Balinese Lexicon; Extinction; Balinese language; Language shift

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