EFL students' writing performance: A study of the role of peer and small-group feedback

Hani Hamad M Albelihi, Arif Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ahdal


Writing in English is often regarded as the most difficult of the four English language skills. Feedback is considered an essential component of the writing process as it helps students improve their writing skills. There is a general agreement that waiting for the instructor’s feedback in a large class is impractical; therefore, implementing "peer input" in the writing classroom is a problem. The effectiveness of peer feedback in improving students' writing skills has been dealt with in many research works. However, how peer feedback should be done has been ignored and is only used in restricted circumstances. In this study, two kinds of peer feedback were examined to see which one had the most impact on students’ writing. The sample comprised 65 EFL students from Qassim University. Results showed that providing students with online-class peer feedback and small group peer feedback improved their writing skills. However, neither of these approaches proved to be more successful than the other. As an implication of this study, Saudi universities need to adopt an engaging, practical, collaborative, and nonthreatening approach to writing which will help students develop their writing skills towards global communicative competence. 


EFL; peer feedback; online-class; Qassim University; small-group feedback; writing performance

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