Maritza Gisella Paula Chica, Elva Katherine Aguilar Morocho


The objective of this research has been the analysis of the effectiveness of sports performance through a program, based on the assimilation of contents from a previous diagnosis. The almost-experimental design was applied like a pre- during program. Eighty-two students from Basic Education Career of UPSE have participated in this study, developed from their homes during pandemic period using 55 training sessions. In a first phase, the adaptations of times, repetitions, weights and visual, postural and technical movements of the response time to peripheral stimuli, teachers and students evaluated stereopsis and focused selective attention during sports practice that are specified in the daily results of each WOD program. In a second phase of intervention, the progressive increase in the load is identified according to a previous diagnosis that allowed the entry of the programming from the first session. Distributed as follows: Adaptive sessions, sessions with increased load, and sessions with increases in time and repetitions, restoration sessions, sessions of the continuity of progressive increase. In addition, both students and their trainer continued evaluating each session for the mentioned progressive increase in load seen from a macro training cycle. The program continues with other more vulnerable groups. The results indicate that the training program provides statistically significant improvements in most of the evaluated skills (times, repetitions, weights, visual, postural and technical movements), thus enhancing sports performance


Attention, sports, students, performance, perception.

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