Miguel Cabrera Tobar, Ambato, Claudia Higuera Meneses, Danny Barbery M, Wilmer Ortega Chávez, García‐Rubio Maite, Dionicio LÓPEZ BASILIO


A documentary review was carried out on the production of research papers published in high impact journals indexed in the Scopus database regarding the study of the relationship between Innovation, Internet use and Government Effectiveness in Ibero-American countries. The purpose of the bibliometric analysis is to identify the main characteristics in the volume of publications, which is analyzed through the elaboration of graphs and figures organized according to their Year of Publication, Country of Origin, Area of Knowledge and Type of Publication. Once the information was organized, different publications were identified and a qualitative analysis was carried out in order to know the position of some authors regarding the subject matter proposed in this review. Among the findings identified, it is determined that, in Latin America, a total of 41 documents have been published during the period 2016-2021, being the latter year and 2017 in which, more records were made, reaching 9 copies in each period. Spain was the Iberoamerican country with the highest scientific production reported in Scopus, reaching a total of 18 publications. The area of knowledge that made the greatest contribution to research on the topic of study during the period in question was Social Sciences, with 21 documents. Finally, it was established that 56% of the total production corresponds to journal articles.


Innovation, Internet, Open Data, Open Government, Government Effectiveness.

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