Integration Of Ict In Training Scenarios Under The Flipped Learning Approach

William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro, Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez, Cesar Augusto Hernández Suárez


The use of technology as a support to the educational process has been very present nowadays, and even more so during the pandemic situation of Covid-19. However, in this integration of ICT into the educational context, the development of a traditionalist methodology is still evident, and it is there where this research is presented to reveal the pedagogical practice supported with ICT under the pedagogical approach of inverted learning used by teachers of a higher education institute in Colombia. The study is framed within the interpretative paradigm and the descriptive qualitative approach. Ethnomethodology was used to approach the reality experienced by 25 teachers. For the analysis of the data from the in-depth interviews applied, grounded theory was used, which favored the deconstruction, structuring and contrast of the information collected, in addition to its subsequent interpretation and reconstruction of reality through a central category (pedagogical approach) and emerging categories (pedagogical practice and ICT integration into the educational process). From the findings obtained, it is concluded that teachers do not apply a constructivist approach in their pedagogical practice, even when they use virtual platforms to accompany the educational process. A passive, memoiristic and repetitive learning environment prevails. A training scenario based on inverted learning is required to create a more active, dynamic and participative learning environment conducive to successful learning.


ICT, ICT integration, Inverted Learning Approach.

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