Educational Strategies During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review

María Angélica Sánchez-Pérez, Magda Mildreth Rodríguez Castilla, Marta Milena Peñaranda Peñaranda, Sir-Alexci Suarez Castrillon


This is a qualitative research article; a systematic review of more than 15 texts was carried out. Its objective is to identify the findings related to educational strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in studies published since 2020. The research is based on the subjective knowledge of the strategies that were implemented in the educational system at a global level to face the health crisis and the impact of these methods on the student. As main findings, an increased use of ICTs was observed, a fact that was not considered before the pandemic, synchronous platforms such as Zoom, Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Google meet were the first choice for live classes with students, which allowed interaction through chat, camera, and screen presentation, among others. On the other hand, the use of asynchronous digital platforms that complemented online education, such as Moodle, was evident. However, because it was a sudden change that was experienced in education, most of the strategies were applied in an improvised way and without taking into account the achievement of learning, reflected in student dissatisfaction. Concluding Higher Education Institutions should evaluate the way in which the new educational strategies were implemented during that period and take measures for improvement since these tools became an essential component in the educational system.


Students, Higher education, Health crisis, Covid-19, Educational Strategies.

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