Common Apprenticeships: Self-Perception Of Their Development In Undergraduate Business Students

William R. Avendaño, Gerson Rueda, Abad E. Parada-Trujillo


This research aims to identify the self-perception of university students enrolled in business science training programs to develop common learning. It is a quantitative study based on the positivist empirical-analytical epistemological orientation. The descriptive cross-sectional experimental deductive method was implemented. The population consisted of 4,000 (N) students of a university attached to three undergraduate programs of a public university in Colombia -business administration, public accounting and international commerce. The sample consisted of 369 individuals (n), guaranteeing 95% reliability (Zc) and a 5% error level (E). The data collection instrument was a Likert scale questionnaire composed of 41 items. The dimensions analyzed were sociodemographic factors, metacognitive self-regulation, emotional self-knowledge and social skills. The data collected were analyzed through descriptive statistical procedures. From the results, it is possible to recognize that the university participants of this research generally have a good self-perception regarding the capacities associated with metacognitive self-regulation, emotional self-knowledge and social skills. It is concluded that there is a contribution from higher education in business science programs to comprehensive training, allowing the configuration of more suitable professionals to face the challenges imposed by the changing and dynamic contexts of the labor and social world. However, it is necessary not to ignore the cases of students who evaluate themselves negatively in this skill since it is essential to have complete and holistic professional profiles today.


perceptions; common learning, university students; business sciences

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