LUNA-PEREIRA, Henry Orlando, Davila-Perez Marvin Vladimir, Cárdenas-Gutiérrez Javier Alfonso


The context of a globalized world brings with it vertiginous and trending changes throughout the planet, influencing the social, economic and territorial political spheres of all nations, thus modifying the development processes and interrelationships of established systems and creating uncertainty, changes and imbalances is the case of the Colombo-Venezuelan border zone, the situation described above requires a broader vision and taking measures in advance of the transitory conditions of the global future, for this reason the objective of this research outlined in this article was to point out the probable changes and with greater impact in the different areas that must be considered in the design of regional development policies, plans and programs, for their future projection character. In the methodological development, incidental variables and the possible public management alternatives that can be considered for the design of plans and programs for the development and competitiveness of Norte de Santander are described.



regional development, globalization, regional competitiveness instruments, competitive advantages, border, closure, crisis, covid.

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