Factors affecting the socioeconomic situation of recycling company suppliers on the Colombian-Venezuelan frontier

Davila Perez, Marvin Vladimir, Palacios-Alvarado Wlamyr, Caicedo-Rolon, Alvaro Junior


The present investigation reveals certain factors that characterize the socioeconomic situation of the suppliers of the recycling companies in the border with Venezuela, this investigation was covered mediant the descriptive quantitative method given that the variables were quantified to achieve interpreter through the frequency of responses to formulate the conclusions of the investigation, in total the population of 94 suppliers characterized or registered by the Association of Recycling of Villa de Rosario of which, 27 are formally linked to the association and the remaining are informal but, characterized. The survey data were analyzed using Microsoft office Excel and Microsoft office Word software for analysis and tabulation of the results, where each question and its corresponding answer was recorded, which were obtained from the surveys that each participant answered manually. It was concluded that the socioeconomic determinants of the population studied are the lack of job opportunities given that the context studied has high indicators of informality, which directly affects the formality of the workers, additionally, the migrant population has the greatest lack of job stability, these families are numerous and have only one income for their support, so there is no guarantee of economic stability, decent housing and social security.

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