Determination of vehicular flow of traffic roundabout in the city of Cúcuta

Cárdenas-Gutiérrez Javier Alfonso, Cely-Calixto Nelson Javier, Moreno-Gamboa Faustino


Within the framework of this study, techniques and tools were used to achieve the objective of obtaining the observed vehicular demand at the traffic circle in the city of Cucuta. To this end, the location of the roundabout was started with google maps. Then, using a vehicle counter, we proceeded to determine the vehicular capacity of the traffic circle, with the help of other instruments such as; clock, checklists, scissors, cameras; these, to observe the routes that each driver takes in the course of the observed hours, also, to achieve greater coverage with less margin of error by obtaining information quickly and economically, a GPS - Global Positioning System was used. The specific purpose is to obtain field information to comply with the methodology used. Therefore, the instruments used are the direct means by which it is possible to collect information for the analysis and subsequent execution of a traffic study. The results allow determining very important aspects for the control of accidents in the city, such as obtaining the demand of the vehicular flow of the traffic circle, thus contributing to the Municipal Transit to apply intervention measures to considerably reduce the high levels of traffic congestion in the traffic circle.


flow; traffic; capacity; demand; vehicles.

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