Competence in lexical boosters and nativeness in academic writing of English: The possible relation

Cuneyt Demir


Boosters are an important metadiscourse device for writers because it creates an emphatic impression in the reader even if many non-native writers of English refrain from using it. However, the competence of metadiscourse devices such as boosters is crucial in having native-fluency in academic writing. Therefore, this avoidance of using boosters may spawn foreignness in non-native writers' academic texts. The present study has four-fold aims to accomplish: (1) whether there is a statistically significant difference between native and non-native writers of English in terms of the number of boosters and lexical diversity of boosters; (2) whether there is a correlation between a writer's competence of boosters and native-fluency in academic writing; (3) to suggest pedagogical implications for writers regarding the use of boosters; and (4) to create a list of boosters that may be used by writers in their prospective studies. Accordingly, the present study investigated 200 articles written in English by Anglophone and non-Anglophone writers. The results provided partly statistically significant differences. Another significant result which may be a reference point for further research is that Anglophone writers are prone to writing their academic texts with a higher lexical variety when compared to non-native writers. 


Academic writing, boosters, boosting, native fluency, writing

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