Note-taking Strategies and Academic Achievement

Hamid Reza Haghverdi, Reza Biria, Lotfollah Karimi


The purpose of the present article is two fold. That is, revealing the significance, underlying theory and findings concerning note-taking in the literature related and exploring, through a survey study, the Iranian professors‘ and students‘ attitudes towards the effect of teaching note-taking strategies on the students‘ academic achievement. To this end, many previous studies were reviewed and we knew that many scholars, conducting empirical studies, surveys and interviews, have highlighted the important function note-taking strategies play in the life of those who, in one way or another, deal with teaching or learning. Moreover, the data collected via questionnaires were fed into SPSS software to be analyzed using t-test. The results showed that the respondents including professors and students whether male or female have had high positive attitudes towards the effect of note-taking strategy instruction on the students‘ learning.

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