Somebody is Watching EFL Classroom: A project on Improving Students’ Performance Level with a Monitoring System

Suna Akalın


This study aims to explain a project on supporting students‟ speaking skills with a monitoring system. The monitoring system is aimed at controlling the usage of English continually in the afternoons, in weekdays, at a room which is being controlled by cameras. The absence of a teacher in the room is more comfortable than the cameras watching. This is a report of the Project implemented in the Department of teaching English, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey. This study was conducted to find out how the usage of English in actual life situations contributes to learners‟ ability to develop their speaking abilities. The results revealed that learners‟ teacher‟s absence anxiety, instructor‟s attitude toward the speech room, course flexibility in the speech room, course quality, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, are the critical factors affecting learners‟ perceived satisfaction.

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