Dealing with in-class challenges: Pre-service teacher cognitions and influences

Şeyda Selen Çimen, Ayşegül Daloğlu


This study explores cognitions of pre-service English language teachers in relation to dealing with most commonly experienced in-class challenges in foreign language teaching and the influences that shape their cognitions. Adopting qualitative research design, a case study was conducted to provide an account of pre-service English language teachers’ cognitions. Data for this study were collected in two main stages. The first stage involved collection of the base-line data through an open-ended questionnaire with a view to identifying in-class challenges experienced by in-service English language teachers. The second stage included scenario-based interviews with pre-service teachers that took place before and after the practicum.  Results of the study reveal that (1) pre-service teachers generated various strategies in their pre- and post-practicum cognitions; (2) there were traces of change in cognitions due to practicum; (3) courses in teacher education program, own learning experiences, and practicum experiences emerged as influences that shape their cognitions.



Pre-service English language teacher; Teacher cognition; Influences; In-class challenges; Practicum

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