The effect of secondary school students’ writing tendencies and self efficacy on writing attitudes: A structural equation modeling

Faruk Polatcan, Nurullah Åžahin


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of secondary school students’ writing tendency, writing self-efficacy and writing attitude variables and how these variables predict each other through structural equation modeling. For this purpose, the relational screening model was used and the study was carried out in academic year 2018-2019 on a total of 290 students;153 (52.8%) were girls and 137 (47.2%) were boys studying in 4 different secondary schools in Erzurum. Twenty of the students were in the 5th grade, 30 were in the 6th grade, 104 were in the 7th grade and 122 were in the 8th grade. In the study, the writing tendency scale developed by Piazza and Siebert (2008) and adapted to Turkish by Iseri & Ünal (2010); Writing attitude scale developed by Can & Topçuoğlu Ünal (2017); and Writing self-efficacy scale developed by Şengül (2013) were applied to secondary school students. After their validity and reliability were ensured, the data were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was determined that writing tendency had a positive effect on writing attitude, and despite writing self-efficacy positively affected writing attitude, it did not affect it significantly statistically.


Writing tendency, writing self-efficacy, writing attitude

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