A comparative study of novice and experienced EFL teachers’ codeswitching in Chinese university EFL classroom

Yong Wu, Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung, Chew Peng Fong


Scholars have focused on code-switching problems for more than 50 years and have different voices about using code-switching in the EFL classroom. This study used mix method to explore the EFL teachers' and students’ attitudes towards using code-switching in their College English classroom and the differences between novice and experienced teachers when they were using code-switching at their pedagogies activities. 24 EFL teachers and 243 undergraduate students were involved in quantitative research, and 4 EFL teachers took participants in the qualitative analysis. The results showed there is no significant difference between EFL teachers and students’ attitudes using codeswitching in the EFL classroom while, experienced and novice teachers have significantly different between novice and experienced EFL teachers by MANOVA. By qualitative analysis, some differences have been found between novice and experienced EFL when using codeswitching at their pedagogical activities. Problems have been discussed, and some suggestions are also put forward.

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