A Survey Into The Publications of Faculty Members in Arabic Language Education Departments

Gürkan Dağbaşı


Since 2010, other Arabic Language Education Departments have been founded to train Arabic language teachers at both state and foundation universities. As of 2020-2021, a total of eight universities are actively training Arabic language teachers. Although teaching is considered a fundamental duty of academics, making academic publications is as important as giving lectures in the context of contributing to the home country and the world literature. This study aims to provide a survey into the publications of the permanent academic staff of eight active Arabic Language Education Departments in Turkey in terms of several aspects such as quantity, type of publication, distribution by a person, or a relation between the academics BA major and their publications. The results of the study reveal that the academics working at Arabic Language Education Departments published mainly literature-related academic works even though they worked at education faculties. It was found that the publications in the field of education constituted only one-fifth of the total number of academic publications. Another result is that the number of publications on theology, which are not related to Arabic education, is almost equal to educational publications in number.


teacher training; Arabic; Arabic language education; academic publications; language teaching

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