“Myscene Tube”- A web channel to enhance English speaking skills in an ESL classroom

Chee Kooi Lian, Devanageswari Kathiyaiah, Farah Hani, Vinotheni Chanderan, Melor Md Yunus


Education has undergone unregulated changes in terms of learning and teaching in this Industrial Revolution 4.0. Along with this, technological advancement has unlocked multiple ways for educators and learners to apply online resources in their teaching and learning process. It is vital to get more attention in the expansion of learners' skills, especially in speaking. However, learners appeared to be lacking in speaking skills and as well as lacking the confidence to utilize the target language (English). The use of traditional teaching approaches also contributes to the reason why learners feel bored and perform badly in speaking. In order to tackle these problems, using "MyScene Tube” is a promising solution to expand learners’ confidence and English-speaking skills. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate learners' confidence in utilizing the English language through the implementation of the "MyScene Tube” web channel. In this mixed-method research, survey questionnaires and YouTube Analysis were used to collect data from 118 Senior 2 learners of a secondary school in Klang, Selangor. Then, the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive analysis. In brief, the research finding shows that "MyScene Tube” could assist learners to perform better in speaking activities. It is recommended that this study could be used by future researchers to explore the effectiveness of this innovation in enhancing learners' ability in different skills of the English Language.


21st-century learning; language classrooms; speaking skills; web channel; MyScene Tube

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