The role of university German language textbooks in meaningful and contextualized grammar instruction
The purpose of this study is to explore to what extent do textbooks taught in preparatory German language classes contribute to meaningful and contextualized grammar instruction. To do so, first of all, the document analysis method was used. The books taught in preparatory German language classes in Turkey were gone through. The first two volumes of Menschen and Netzwerk, which are most commonly used of these types of books, were chosen to be examined in the study. Grammar exercises in the books were evaluated methodologically using Ellis’ (2002) typology. The findings demonstrated that the grammar exercises in these two books, which were taught in preparatory German language classes, were based on the inductive method; nevertheless, both books were inadequate to use original material, and the exercises in the books consist primarily of written material. When the type of exercise is examined, it has been found that exercises based on oral production are more meaning and context-oriented than exercises based on written production. In terms of meaningful and contextualized grammar instruction, it was found that Menschen book is one step ahead of the Netzwerk book due to the greater quantity of input-based exercises based on free oral production as well as discovery based exercises. In conclusion, this study revealed that the investigated textbooks contribute to meaningful and contextualized grammar instruction, but there is a greater need for exercises in the textbooks that emphasize meaning and context. Nevertheless, the study concludes that, in addition to textbooks, supplementary materials should be used in grammar instruction.
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