Strategies for second language learning in EFL textbooks of Saudi high school: A content analysis

Kholoud A. Alwehebi, Wafaa A. Ghareeb


This paper presents a content analysis study that aimed at investigating the L2 learning strategies (LLS) across three units in each of the six textbooks in the new set of secondary school EFL textbooks, ‘Mega Goal’, based on the lists of learning strategies adapted from Chamot and Schmitt: (vocabulary learning strategies, reading strategies and, speaking and writing strategies). Content analysis undertaken by the researchers brought to light the need to develop a framework and thereby embark upon evolving appropriate strategies for teaching-learning of EFL to the secondary school students in Saudi Arabia. The results also show that there is no explicit presentation of LLS. However, some vocabulary and most reading and writing strategies searched for are implicitly used in the instructions in the language activities in the analyzed books. The study concludes that the books need to be modified by adding explicit instruction of learning strategies and including more vocabulary strategies. It is suggested that teachers should be given orientation training programmes for proper appreciation of the teaching-learning strategies. The paper ends with suggestions for further research.


Language learning strategies; Secondary education; EFL textbooks; Content analysis

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