William Leonardo Perdomo Vanegas, Leidy Yohanna López Pineda


This paper is the product of the research “Promotion of protective environments, based on pedagogical practices and artistic and cultural creation, as a social appropriation of knowledge for interpretation and reconciliation around the social phenomena related to the armed conflict in Iracá (Meta),” which emerged from the necessity to reconstruct the past by means of the participation of the victims of the armed conflict in the Meta region of Colombia, this from an inclusive and plural perspective that contributes to the visibility of the diverse affectations of the victims, within the context of the conflict.  To that end, this project aims to highlight the narratives of the armed conflict victims in which the experiences of the entire community converge, involving the elderly, adults, youth, minors, and an indigenous community.  Thus, this article commences with a contextualization of the armed conflict in the San Martin region, progresses with a conceptual foundation on memory and history, and ends with the results obtained after the intervention in the community.


memory, history, narrative, conflict.

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Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
ISSN 1305-578X (Online)
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