The Impact Of Video- Input Based Communication Tasks On ESL Learners Belonging To Fishermen Community

M. Johnson Sangeetharaj, Dr. S. Shanmugasundaram


ESL teachers throughout the world try to improve the Communicative Competence of second or foreign language learners through various tasks and activities. This paper makes use of both Communicative Language Teaching method as well as CALL ( Computer Assisted Learning Learning ). This paper, “The Impact of Video- Input Based Communication Tasks on ESL Learners belonging to Fishermen Community” attempts to study Communicative Competence of the learners who use video clippings from You Tube .The central notion of Communicative Competence is to assist the learner to Communicate by focusing on form rather than meaning. This is done by making use of tasks, specifically designed for this purpose. When Learners speak they hesitate a lot, therefore they struggle to continue to speak. It is in this context CLT based tasks simply allow them to continue to speak, without worrying about their mistakes. Fluency is their immediate goal, accuracy is given importance at the later stage. Every time the students struggle to speak, their Communicative competence improves at least to a minimum level. Hence, this study makes use of ‘Video Clippings” downloaded from You Tube with Sub Titles on a interesting topic, so that the learners are allowed to watch videos and to speak on their own without worrying about their grammatical errors and they are given scores for their performance and these scores are analysed with the use of descriptive statistics.


Communicative Competence, Video Clippings, Fluency, Accuracy, Scaffolding.

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Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
ISSN 1305-578X (Online)
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