Food As An Undercurrent In Consideration And Expression In Amy Tan’s Novels The Joy Luck Club And The Kitchen God’s Wife



 “Culture” it is a complex word, the true meaning of the word is somewhere lost, it has vast meaning, which includes geography, customs, traditional, way of life, literature and arts, behavioral norms, modes of thinking, and values. One's language represents their culture, sometimes they communicate through culture. Culture is expressed through the social behaviors of the immigrants, costumes, music and their arts, and so on. In the same way, food represents culture, it is the mirror of the society and such culture is prevalently reflected in literature. Literature and culture are two mutually undivided things that are interconnected. This paper particularly focuses on food as a culture. Food plays an indispensable part in every individual’s life. It satisfies our hunger, food blends with our emotions, and it always plays a vital part in reflecting one’s mood and culture. This paper aims to bring to the forefront the intrinsic connection that exists amongst food, human, and society.


culture and literature, food and tradition, immigrants, identity, diaspora.

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