Perceptions of trainee teachers regarding their training experience in subjects with legal content

Gerson Rueda, Abad E. Parada-Trujillo, William R. Avendaño


The objective of this research was to describe trainee teachers’ perceptions in two institutions of higher education in Colombia regarding their learning in subjects with legal content. The study was framed within the analytical, empirical paradigm, the descriptive quantitative approach and the non-experimental-transversal deductive method. With a population of 750 students, the sample consisted of 255 individuals (Zc=95% and E=5%), to whom an instrument was applied with 27 questions related to the following variables: sociodemographic characteristics, understanding of legal concepts, aptitudes for the application of legal knowledge, motivation for learning legal knowledge and relevance of legal knowledge for professional training. The information collected was analyzed through descriptive statistical procedures. The results show that the participants, in general, perceive that training in the framework of legal subjects has allowed them to strengthen their understanding of legal topics relevant to general and preschool education, their motivation to learn these topics and the recognition of their usefulness in the field of the teaching profession. Therefore, it is concluded that, in both higher education institutions, students’ perceptions are favorable towards subjects with legal or juridical content, although they require further deepening in the exercise that leads to applying educational regulations in contextualized scenarios.


perceptions; trainee teachers; learning experience; subjects with legal content; legal training for non-lawyers

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