The Hotel Sector Of Cúcuta Colombia In The Face Of The Covid-19 Pandemic

Miller Riaño Solano, Henry Orlando Luna Pereira, Davila-Perez Marvin Vladimir


This work identifies the meanings and significances that the sector actors rank to the prospective management skills in the companies of the hotel sector in Cucuta Colombia in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent studies have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic, seen as a diatomical process related to the hotel industry, has revealed the fragility of this sector. It is considered that in the medium-term strong competition will be unleashed where companies will want to be located from now on the line of departure, since those who arrive last can pay a high price, affecting even their survival. We wonder, what are the meanings and meanings that social actors give to the prospective management skills in companies in the hotel sector registered to Cotelco in Cucuta, in the face of the pandemic generated by the Covid-19? Supported by the quantitative and qualitative paradigm, research is exploratory and relational with a field design and documentary review. Executives from the hotel sector of Cucuta were consulted. Online surveys were conducted to identify management competencies and subsequently the prospective relationship with factors associated with the sector in the pandemic. Based on the results, it is concluded that, in the hotel sector of Cucuta, commitment and quality of work are the most relevant signifiers. Findings show that, during the pandemic, a defensive strategy must be implemented. It is recommended to offer differentiated services, where customer safety prevails and focuses on loyalty with the company. From the forward-looking approach, it aims to implement a mix of competitive and growth strategies to seize opportunities when the economy revives.


meanings, significant, prospective, hotel sector, Covid-19 pandemic, Cucuta

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