The use of EPOSTL to determine the self-efficacy of prospective EFL teachers: Raising awareness in English language teacher education

Ayfer Su Bergil, Arif Sarıçoban


The current practices in the field of foreign language teacher education have a heavy inclination to make use of traditional means especially throughout the assessment process of student teachers at foreign language departments. Observing the world in terms of teacher education makes it urgent to include more reflective and objective tools in teaching practices courses. Since the success and the level of affective factors play a huge importance in teacher education as well as cognitive factors while preparing the student teachers to their real life experiences, taking into consideration of their self-efficacy and an attempt to increase the level of self-efficacy comes on the scene of teacher education. Thus, this study aims to determine the self-efficacy levels of 4th grade prospective ELT program teachers studying at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education. For this purpose, the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) was adapted into 5 point likert-type scale and filled by 38 prospective teachers in the fall semester of 2014. The collected data was analyzed via SPSS 17.00 package program for social sciences. In the light of the findings, it is proposed that the EPOSTL should be integrated into teacher education programmes which will make this process more reflective and convenient for the prospective teachers by using it also as a scale for raising their  self-efficacy level.


EFL Teacher Education, Self-efficacy, EPOSTL

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