Türk ve Alman Eğitim Sistemlerinde Yükseköğretime Geçiş Süreci

Muhammet Koçak


Problem statement: The process of access to the tertiary education in Turkey has always been an issue of debate and a criticism. The secondary education system becomes less important for the pupils due to the nature of the university entrance examinations.
Purpose of study: The present study aims at providing a comparative analysis of the educational systems in Turkey and Germany so as to offer a refreshing approach to the problematic situation in Turkey.
Methods: The study is based on a comparative analysis of two different educational systems. To actualize this aim, regulations and current applications of two countries were analyzed in parallel with the latest organizational and structural reforms in both Turkey and Germany.
Findings and Results: The study has revealed that different phases of the educational system in Turkey, such as secondary and tertiary levels, display a detachment in both content and structure, the results of which seem to have a negative impact on the pupils, teachers and on the society from a broader perspective.
Conclusions and Recommendations: The educational model of German, in which vocational education system offers effective programs to get qualified for the various posts in the industrial arena, does not require all the citizens to get a university degree, and this helps reduce the number of pupils awaiting to get accepted to the tertiary education programs.

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