Dynamics of Syntactic Processes in the Pre-National Period of the Spanish Language

Nina M. Korbozerova


Originating in the Iberian-Roman period, hypotactic polynomials in Spanish are historically of the greatest interest in terms of the possibility of various relationships and connections in them. Their structural schemes, reflecting the transmitted volume of denotative and significative information, can generate various deep chains of subordinate clauses. By their nature, hypotactic polynomials are a collection of more than two sentences with a leading subordinate relationship. The purpose of the article is to analyse the main processes in a sentence in the Spanish language, starting from its pre-literary period and ending with the period of unification and formation of the national literary language. The volume of a sentence was analysed and three main structural models have been developed: the pro-Latin model, the paratactic polynomial model and the hypotactic polynomial model, which conditionally correspond to various historical stages of the development of Spanish society and which were subjected to various extralinguistic, sociocultural, linguistic and cultural and individual-author influences. The study showed that in the process of the evolution of the Spanish language, the semantic-syntactic structure of the sentence passes three main boundaries: from the constrained, inflexible Latin model, which is characteristic of the pre-national pre-literary period, through the unfree use of the paratactic polynomial in the pre-national literary period, and then the hypotactic polynomial in the early modern Spanish and classical periods. Analysis of the polynomial in comparison with a simple and complex sentence in the Spanish language of the 18th – early 21st centuries can become a prospect for further research on the structural configuration of a text.

Dynamics of Syntactic Processes in the Pre-National Period of the Spanish Language

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