Analysis of variance related with scientific production and publication indicator from Latin-American countries of the group 1 of SIR Iber 2019 Ranking

William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro, Jesús Ernesto Urbina Cárdenas, César Augusto Hernández Suárez


SIR Iber 2019 report groups Ibero-American countries by their scientific production and publication capacity according to output indicator (O) of the factor of measurement: investigation. In group 1, there are the Latin-American countries: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The investigation aims to analyze and compare the indicator related with scientific production and publication from Latin-American countries of the group of SIR Iber 2019 Ranking, through ANOVA statistical technique, in relation per capita, to PIB and in international collaboration, in order to confront their performances in production and publication of papers in journals indexed in SCOPUS. Countries highlight in order: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia, with respect to the number of papers signed by authors of institutions from Latin-American every country. About the number of papers correspondents to authors from different countries, for each 100.000 citizen, in this order are grouped: Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. The order of countries according to the number of papers in relation of PIB, in thousands of dollars, result: Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico. In relation to papers percentage signed in collaboration with another country, the order is Chile, Colombia, Argentina, México and Brazil. In all of the analyzed indicators, a statistically significant difference exists between the averages of 5 variables, with a confidence level of 95.0%.


indicators, Output, SIR Iber 2019, PIB, international collaboration, factor of investigation, Scopus, ANOVA

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