Determine the number and type of vehicles traveling through the traffic circle in Atalaya.

Cárdenas-Gutiérrez Javier Alfonso, Cely-Calixto Nelson Javier, C.H. Acevedo-Peñaloza


The traffic circle located in the city of Cúcuta in the Claret neighborhood, is one of the main structural axes of transportation; and therefore, due to the high rate of vehicular growth experienced in the city, it has evidenced problems related to congestion, becoming one of the critical points of the road network of the city of Cúcuta; being identified, according to figures stipulated by the direction of traffic. Therefore, in this study the methodology used was to perform a vehicle count in situ, where the amount and type of vehicles that travel through the traffic circle road network is obtained, in order to subsequently make new designs of this road seeking to improve traffic. In this case, 4 entrances were identified, where each one of them was checked on 3 days of the week during peak traffic hours according to the country's established work schedules. Important data was obtained on the number and type of vehicles transited, which identifies that entrance 1 is the one that receives the greatest flow of vehicles and entrance 4 is the one that receives the least number of vehicles. In addition, it is identified that at entrances 1, 2 and 3 the type of vehicles that mostly travel are cars and those with the lowest flow are 3-axle cargo trucks, although on Saturdays the highest flow is by motorcycles and 2-axle cargo trucks have the lowest flow on this road network.


flow; vehicles; type; quantity; traffic, roundabout.

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