Exploring The Challenges, Advantages, And Pedagogical Implications Of English Language Learning In Multilingual Environments

Dr. Venkanna. K


The purpose of this research is to go more into the complex and, at times, inherent difficulties faced by ESL students in multilingual environments. It examines how linguistic interference crosses and creates complexity, which increases cognitive strain for multilingual learners. This demonstrates the advantages of cross-linguistic transfer or the enhancement of intercultural competence. A mixed-methods approach will be used in the research to facilitate interaction with English learners and instructors from a multilingual educational setting. This is done in an effort to determine how teachers and students see and comprehend the learning experiences. The main obstacles in this respect are identified as language interference and cognitive load, and the instructional value of this is to emphasize how the advantages of multilingualism may be used. In this sense, the results enhance our knowledge of teaching strategies designed to minimize the drawbacks associated with multilingualism while optimizing its advantages. The findings of this research have broad instructional implications for educators. This insight might help teachers recognize and account for the challenges of effectively teaching English in multilingual environments.


English language learning, Cognitive load, Cross-linguistic interference, Intercultural competence, Multi-lingual environments.

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