A New Intercomprehension Model: Reservoir Model

Arif Sarıçoban, Davut Aktaş


Problem Statement: The current study tries to find out new strategies to understand interlocutors who are speaking in an unknown language.
Purpose of Study: This study aims to find out natural ways of forming their current knowledge.
Methods: A survey was administered to 14-15 year old students using open- ended questions to elicit the ways of understanding the interlocutors.
Findings and Results: The results revealed that 14-15 year old students get information in any case consciously or unconsciously and they understand people in any case by using various strategies. We elicit their gaining canals to form their current knowledge under normal conditions.

Conclusions and Recommendations: In the current study, we found that 14-15 year old students have a huge knowledge of language. In this work, we see that people can understand their interlocutors in any case using current knowledge under normal conditions. The reservoir model that we develop in this work can be carried out with different age- groups. To elicit The Reservoir Model different, language families can be applied to obtain new strategies.

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